OUR VIEW: Let’s keep Surrey’s school zones free from idiocy

With some 71,000 students returning to classes this week, drivers must take special care to drive attentively around Surrey's schools.

Just a friendly reminder – the speed limit in all school zones, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., is 30 km/h. The same goes for playground zones, from dawn to dusk.

Just a friendly reminder – the speed limit in all school zones, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., is 30 km/h. The same goes for playground zones, from dawn to dusk.

Earn an A for being alert, not an F for being a fool.

Only a dunce speeds through a school zone.

With some 71,000 Surrey students returning to classes this week, drivers must take special care to drive attentively and SLOWLY past our many schools.

This includes parents who are dropping their kids off, too. Sure, everybody’s in a hurry in the morning to get to work or whatever, but safety is always the top priority.

The speed limit in all school zones, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., is 30 km/h. The same goes for playground zones, from dawn to dusk.

CLICK HERE for BCAA school zone safety tips.

Those motorists who lack the humanity to slow down for children, and are caught speeding in these zones, face ticket fines ranging from $196 to $253 and being dinged three penalty points. And of course, it goes without saying – leave your phones alone while driving (a reminder never hurts).

Police advise parents who are dropping their kids off at school to have them exit the vehicle on the sidewalk side and to never allow them to cross mid-block, for obvious reasons (dunces).

Also, if a car is stopped in the lane next to you, it might be because they are yielding to a pedestrian, so be alert and ready to stop if need be.

It’s also a good idea, if parked near a school to walk around your vehicle to make sure no children are potentially in harm’s way, and always keep a careful eye open for pedestrians when you are backing up.

The lesson of the day, when it comes to school zones and playgrounds, is don’t be a schmo – drive real slow.

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