OUR VIEW: Local elections no less important

Campbell River is at a crucial moment in its history

This Saturday is election day, an important day in the city’s history.

And its important that all eligible voters get out and vote.

Traditionally, voter turnout for municipal elections is far lower than in federal and provincial elections.

But municipal elections, though lacking the same level of publicity as elections at the federal and provincial level, are just as important, if not more.

Municipal government is the closest level of government to the average citizen and shape the attitude and direction of the city.

It also has the greatest impact on our lives.

Transportation, sewer, water, policing, fire, and garbage disposal are all under the city’s jurisdiction as is, more obviously, property taxes.

It’s important to have your voice heard on Nov. 19 and vote for the candidates you feel will best represent you, and the city as a whole.

Campbell River will be facing some challenging times ahead.

The city is still in transition, trying to attract other industry to replace the Catalyst Elk Falls mill and huge tax base it provided for city council.

The city needs people who are up to the task of balancing a tight budget while still providing the quality of life we as citizens of Campbell River have come to expect.

Last year, a record 40 per cent of eligible voters in Campbell River cast a ballot, or 9,537 people. This year, lets surpass that and set a new record.

Remember, voting is a right that others in countries less fortunate would die for.


Campbell River Mirror