OUR VIEW: Mothers of all kinds deserve our thanks – not just today but every day

All this reflection should remind us that moms deserve to be thanked and shown appreciation not just one day a year, but all year-round.

Cartoon by Ingrid Rice.

Cartoon by Ingrid Rice.

Whether you’re four, 14 or 40, there’s one special woman who deserves thanks today: Mom.

For starters, she quite literally made you. (Yes dads, we know. She couldn’t have done it without you – but be patient, your day is in June).

Your mom selflessly gave up her body to serve as an incubator for nine months and when you were finally ready for this world, she endured many hours of intense pain to deliver you into this world.

If that weren’t enough, she battled the throws of dirty diapers and spit up. She soldiered on through the years from tantrums to teenagers. And through it all, her love was unconditional.

What better reason to give pause and celebrate our mothers than Mother’s Day (which is a 100-year-old national holiday)?

Sunday will be just one blatant opportunity for us to say thanks to our moms. Whether she is your biological mom, step-mom, adoptive mom, Godmom, Grandma or a motherly figure, she deserves it.

While Sunday is a perfect day to give thanks to mom and maybe even spoil her, it’s a chance to reflect on all she has done, all she continues to do and all she will do for us in the future.

All that reflection should remind us that moms deserve to be thanked and shown appreciation not just one day a year, but all year-round.

Mother’s Day may fall on the second Sunday of May each year, but we hope all children celebrate their moms every day.

Black Press

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