Safe Surrey Coalition petition. (Facebook image)

OUR VIEW: Surrey petition pointless because SSC majority voted in favour of project

Why is the SSC staging a petition when its council majority has already made up its mind on the 84th Avenue connector?

Ever since we began rocking on our teeter horses we’ve been honing our skills at persuading higher authority.

“Dad, Billy’s not sharing his toys!”

“Mom, Suzie keeps wearing my blouses.”

Supertramp – that’s a monster progressive rock band from the 1970s, for those youngins out there – even got a hit tune out of it, instructing us to “Write your problems down in detail, and take ’em to a higher place.”

In the adult world, it’s the petition that’s replaced tantrums as the chosen vehicle whereby most people attempt to sway the opinion of decision makers.

Sometimes this works, such as the campaign that led to the defeat of the harmonized sales tax.

More often than not, though, it seems petitions typically fall on deaf ears because the decision makers have already decided where they land on the topic.

READ ALSO: Surrey council approves design contract for 84th connection as divide grows

Take, for instance, the Safe Surrey Coalition’s council majority stance on extending 84th Avenue from King George Boulevard to 140th Street.

Mayor Doug McCallum’s slate has already, by way of a five-to-four vote, decided to make this project so.

And yet, oddly enough, the SCC in social media is also encouraging people to sign its petition to “Support the New 84th Road Connector.”

Seeing as the decision has already been made, by the SSC, what’s the point of the petition? Persuade us that we’re right?

It’s like putting the wagon in front of the horse.

And if you think that’s kind of strange, well, you would be “Bloody Well Right.”


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