Tent city in Surrey’s Whalley neighbourhood. (File photo/Amy Reid)

Tent city in Surrey’s Whalley neighbourhood. (File photo/Amy Reid)

OUR VIEW: Surrey’s mystery 135A Street donor is A-okay

Someone with a giant heart anonymously donated hundreds of blankets to help Surrey's homeless stay warm

In today’s competitive world of I, me and mine, nothing says “the real deal” like an anonymous donor.

That’s not to minimize the magnanimity of people who donate their time and cash to worthy causes even though it’s done with a bit of a, “hey look at me,” a wink and a nudge. Any giving is good giving, right?

But those who shun publicity or refuse to seek other credit for their philanthropy, well, that’s a special kind of awesome.

See more: Mystery donor gives hundreds of blankets to Whalley strip residents

See also: Video of Surrey’s tent city on 135A Street goes viral

It happens all around us, all the time. Let’s tell you about one case in Whalley. It’s no secret the residents of “tent city” in Whalley are faced with the daunting task of staying warm through the often cruel winter months.

This week, someone with a giant heart donated hundreds of blankets to help those people stay warm. City Hall estimates there are 450 homeless people in the area.

Volunteers handed the blankets out on Tuesday night.

The only thing we know about this donor is that he owns a textile company in Richmond that imports fabrics from California, and that he wishes to be anonymous.

Correction, though we don’t know his name, we do know a lot about his character: He’s clearly one heck of a human being. The donor’s example is something to aspire to.

Selflessness, in pure form.

Acts like these, be they massive or minute, happen all around us every day.

Here’s to all those unsung heroes, those anonymous philanthropists across the city or perhaps next door.

Thank you.


Surrey Now Leader