OUR VIEW: Thanks for your pennies

We say: Each year our readers come through in a big way

Well, congratulations Campbell River Mirror readers! You have made our Pennies for Presents campaign another success.

At last count, we have collected more than $7,000 in pennies and other coins which were converted into presents for the Knights of Columbus’ Christmas Hamper Fund. Our intrepid present buyers went out this week and shopped ‘till they dropped. Each year we are gratified by the response to our Pennies for Presents effort. Individual readers take the time to donate their accumulated pennies to our office. Many businesses and organizations take up the cause as well. We have youngsters that contribute every year and we have school classes that participate as well.

We’re proud of the effort put forth by our readers and we’re proud that we are able to harness that effort to the benefit of the Knights of Columbus Christmas Hampers. The Knights are a dedicated group of volunteers who labour hard to bring joy and assistance to the needy in our community.

It’s an unfortunate state of affairs that we have people in our community that are in need of assistance but that is the way it is. That we are all willing in this community to offer a helping hand speaks well about us and it drives home the message that we all have value to our community and someone down and out now will be able to contribute sometime in the future when they get back on their feet.

Christmas is a convenient time to marshall an underlying goodwill in this community. Pennies for Presents taps into that and, once again, we thank you for your support.

Campbell River Mirror