Out-of-bounds skiers should pay costs

Negligent adventurers who dare to ski out of bounds continue to get into serious trouble, often resulting in massive rescue efforts

Negligent adventurers who dare to ski out of bounds continue to get into serious trouble, often resulting in massive rescue efforts at no expense to themselves.

Free rescue is granted to these bold folks in the belief that their money is tight and they may actually prefer not to call for help. Could it be possible that a person would sacrifice his or her life to save a fistful of dollars?

It should be safe to say that such individuals who are in trouble and cold, hungry, desperate and still in possession of a trace of logic – will call for help, whatever it takes to see another day – whatever the costs may be.

Granting some of these super adventurers free rescue is merely a recipe to bolster their reckless attitudes.

Free legitimate rescue, naturally, but could it be that many of these hot-doggers are emboldened to feel immune to mishaps and develop an innate ability to defy nature’s laws, and forever be one step ahead of disaster?

It is extremely stupid to take such chances with one’s own life.

Despite the best rescue efforts, some of these thrill seekers will never be able to improve on their outdoor skills, not to mention, logic and common sense.

For them, it ends up their last run.

Hans Jost


Salmon Arm Observer