Out of water

Reality has reared its ugly head. We’re going to run out of fresh water by August if we don’t get heavy spring rains.

Reality has reared its ugly head. We’re going to run out of fresh water by August if we don’t get heavy spring rains. Is that supposed to be a surprise?

Englishman River was on the endangered list during the Beach Club public forums. People concerned questioned council about water levels and the increase in population. Council ignored us.

Summerland and Tofino ran out of water in 2005 and 2006. The reason? Over development. What have we got? Over development. We have used all the water we have been allotted. DFO is correct in protecting what little remains of Englishman River. Nature provides only so much and it is short sighted to think we can keep taking more. Will we be able to flush a toilet by September? What about wild fires?

Council said we had enough water. They were wrong. They said our sewage plant was large enough. They were wrong. They thought $37 million could replace water. It can’t.

So, please stop the building permits. Put everything on hold.

The inn is full. Council promised that our way of life would not be affected. Guess they were wrong about that too.

Stop thinking bigger is better and taxes are king. I feel like we are on the deck of the Titanic. There must be balance and we are sliding towards the edge.

Elaine ThompsonParksville

Parksville Qualicum Beach News