Outdoor rink request

Reader wants 100 Mile Marsh to be used for pond hockey

To the editor:

This is an open letter to the District of 100 Mile House.

Pond hockey is a great pastime for many Canadians.

When I’ve travelled and during my short stint of living in the flat lands of Alberta, I noticed many small communites offered outdoor rinks. Use was for free and for all to enjoy.

100 Mile has a great location, a pond right in the middle of town.

Wouldn’t it be great to see many townspeople using it?

Tourists driving by would marvel at the sight. We could host a winter classic, maybe with the Wranglers.

Safety of the ice is always a concern, but on the Dec. 8 showing of The National on CBC, communities have employees do regular measurements of the ice and keep it clear of snow and debris. They also post when ice is safe or not.

If managed correctly, safety concerns can be addressed. For the enjoyment of all, please consider my request.


Norm Knutsen

108 Mile Ranch


100 Mile House Free Press