Outrageous property tax increases for pool

Reader believes pool not affordable in current economic times

To the editor:

I don’t begrudge paying a reasonable amount of tax for recreation; however, there is a point where taxation becomes a bit ridiculous.

The multi-million-dollar pool complex being proposed by the South Cariboo Aquatic Society would create an estimated $15.1-million debt and property owners will have to shoulder the majority of that debt if approved.

The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) has indicated it will increase property taxes by $135 per $100,000 of the assessed property value.

It’s an easy calculation!

If your property is assessed at $200,000 it will add $270 in tax the first year; $400,000.00 adds $540 more tax; and if you own a $600,000 property, it will add another $810 to your tax bill.

Businesses could face $1,000 to $10,000 tax increases, and landlords will pass that cost on to renters.

While a pool may be on a buyers like/want list, employment opportunities, property prices, reasonable property taxes, and security of investment will likely be a higher priority.

Without industry, job creation and development, this area will continue to be depressed economically, and jacking up property taxes by 20-25 per cent to pay for a multi-million-dollar pool won’t help matters for property owners or for real estate markets.

People on fixed incomes already have enough problems maintaining their homes and a sense of independence without the CRD and District of 100 Mile House burdening them further with an outrageous property tax increase.


Larry Badke

100 Mile House


100 Mile House Free Press