Outside the box: use the old rail line for buses

Why don’t we convert it to use “curb guided buses”, as used in Australia, UK and Germany?

Curb buses.

Curb buses.

Re: Our disused railway line

Why don’t we convert it to use “cerb guided buses”, as used in Australia, UK and Germany?

The existing rails could be used for reinforcement, SureSpan could manufacture the concrete, and we already have the buses. Being regular buses, they can be driven off anywhere along the track and used on regular roads.

Park and ride stations can be situated anywhere along the track. In Victoria, buses could be driven off the track and proceed downtown. The track can take any type of bus, single, single/extended or double decker. Future electric buses can be accommodated by laying an induction grid in the track. Buses can follow each other safely at speeds up to 100 kilometres per hour.

There’s lots of info on the net, www.citytransport.info/OBahn.htm plus other sites. Special freight vehicles could use the line at night or off peak periods.

Aren’t we supposed to think outside the box?


Elwyn Trafford

Maple Bay

Cowichan Valley Citizen