Outstanding medical care in Penticton

Penticton couple applaud medical care they received in the Okanagan.

In the fall of 2009, as we were returning home from Arizona, we phoned Dr. Lawrie’s office requesting an appointment. We were able to see him within a few days, he referred me to a specialist and, within a few more days, I had minor surgery with the specialist, thus solving my problem.

In mid-May, 2012, my brother-in-law, Ken Kadal met with Dr. Lawrie regarding a cyst on his face. Dr. Lawrie felt he should see Dr. Sawatzky to have the cyst removed. The cyst proved to be cancerous. Since that time, Ken has had several scans, X-rays, etc., and has had three surgeries, one preformed by Dr. Sawatzky and two by Dr. Pabhu. In addition, he has met twice with a cancer specialist in Kelowna and arrangements have been made for a series of radiation treatments to finish eliminating the cancer.

It is our desire to make it clear to everyone that we feel all the services have been outstanding by the doctors, nurses, and other staff, including those in the offices, the hospital and the health unit. We feel very fortunate to live in Penticton where we have such outstanding medical professional people and facilities.

There is talk of possible expansion of the Penticton facilities. We sincerely hope this will be done so that we can keep our outstanding medical personnel.

Phil Britton and Ken Kadal


Penticton Western News