Overfishing main culprit for lack of herring

Reasons for lack of herring are obvious, reader writes

Re: Herring disappearing from recreational fishery: anglers (News, Feb. 13)

I wonder if Bob Briggs, and countless others I’m sure, pulling 60 fish out of the Gorge Waterway on a good day and more than 500 fish over the two-month spawning period has had anything to do with the herring disappearing?

The decline is clear, but the reason is also crystal clear. I equate this article with NDP leader Adrian Dix coming on TV and saying “the Liberals like to use attack ads.” I can assume Dix himself is gullible and naive enough to think that his is not an attack ad, but does he really think the public are gullible enough to swallow his thin attack?

Are people who read this article gullible enough to think that public overfishing of herring stock had nothing to do with the herring disappearing?

Mike Bolli


Victoria News