Overpaid workers should make an effort

We pay taxes, and our employees tell us what to do. How about cutting wages instead of services?

To the Editor,

Recently, I made a garbage dump run because the City of Nanaimo has no pickup of garden waste, no burning and no pickup of anything other than household waste. Presumably, this is a cost-cutting measure for the city, but an expense to me.

My friend provided a truck, and together we loaded it and drove the 30 kilometres to the dump site. While there, we were watched by two employees whose only purpose was to light up the site with the natty high-visibility orange suits. We did all the work and, on departure, we paid a dumpage fee of $28.

Do I feel abused? You bet I do. We pay taxes, and our employees tell us what to do. Our city manager is paid the same as the vice-president of the U.S.A. If the U.S. government does not pay movie-star wages to attract talent, why should we?

How about cutting wages instead of services?

Barry V. HagenNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin