Oversight inadequate

Resident concerned about the federal government's anti-terrorism legislation

No wonder Prime Minister Stephen Harper routinely displays disdain for parliamentary procedures, democratic institutions and Canada’s traditions.

A recent poll indicated 82 per cent of Canadians are in favour of his government’s new, so-called anti-terror legislation, which will give more powers to the intelligence agencies and the police without strengthening parliamentary oversight.

Canada’s current oversight of these powerful bureaucracies is woefully inadequate, a fact recently highlighted by four former prime ministers and numerous other prominent Canadians.

Canada has become a country of frightened sheep and Stephen Harper knows it.

At every opportunity, he fans the flames of fear knowing the sheep, who are apparently blind to the fact he is manipulating them to solidifying his own power, will huddle around him.

Of course, Canada needs to stand on guard against the growing threat of worldwide terrorism, but Harper cannot by trusted to put the interests of Canadians above his own. He also needs watching.


Lloyd Atkins




Vernon Morning Star