Owner should have called 911

It was amazing to read the recent letter regarding one of Summerland’s bed and breakfast operations in last week’s Review.

Dear Editor:

It was amazing to read the recent letter regarding one of Summerland’s bed and breakfast operations in last week’s Review.

The visitor articulated some extremely negative comments about their recent stay at the Wildhorse Mountain Ranch in Summerland and pointed the finger at the nearby rifle range.

Given the situation described in the letter (shots being fired after dark), it was stunning to read that the owners did not simply dial 911. It doesn’t matter where a crime is happening, when shots are being fired  after dark in Summerland, call 911.

But even more shocking, the letter writer states that the owners, with a guest in their home, not only chose to not dial 911; they went out to personally confront a group of people. People who were obviously breaking the law… in the dark… with guns!

That kind of action seems beyond irresponsible. Obviously, there needs to be some educating done when a bed and breakfast owner chooses to undertake such a risky confrontation rather than promptly do the responsible thing: call the police!

Summerland RCMP are well equipped, well trained, and very well able to deal with criminal activity in Summerland, and they will respond, but someone has to call them.

If the RCMP had been notified, the lawbreakers probably could have been caught, and no negative letter to the editor would have appeared.

To Evelyn von Almassy, the letter writing visitor:, hopefully you will come visit again. I suggest you give Summerland another try. But, if you do come back and if you do encounter any kind of illegal activity, please do dial 911.

And to the few bad apple meatheads who we are told were abusing the rifle range, it’s time to smarten up, because now you know, a neighbour might call the cops and you could face the loss of your guns plus some jail time. Then those of us who do responsibly use that facility can carry on, legally, safely, enjoying the sport we enjoy.

Patrick Murphy



Summerland Review