Donald Honeywill’s photo of the clearcut terrain at Annieville Slough.

Donald Honeywill’s photo of the clearcut terrain at Annieville Slough.

Paradise lost at Annieville Slough

I haven’t been down to my pleasure boat for about two weeks. I keep it down in Annieville Slough, which has been a haven for fishing boats for more than 100 years.

It’s  a quiet peaceful area with beaver, otters, ducks, cranes, hawks and eagles.

I’ve always enjoyed this tranquil little place in the middle of city madness.

I went down today to check on the boat and what I saw upset me beyond words.

They had totally clearcut the whole slope right down to the water’s edge, the same place the birds and otters played the summer before.

A year ago, fisheries would have fined you for cutting a tree close to the habitat used by fish and game.

But this year, the government found it okay to clearcut.

It would be so nice if we could only fine them.


Donald Honeywill


Surrey Now Leader