Paragraph provided bemusement for reader

Studious reader catches editing error in story in Free Press

To the editor:

Maybe it’s the “sulphur” in the air out here at Sulphurous Lake.

But in the story on Mr. Van Osch’s step-aside as school board chair, headlined Van Osch resigns as SD 27 chair, on the front page of the July 31 Free Press, there was this bit of bemusement: “In September 2014, the October municipal elections begin.”

For the nearly 25 years we have cabined here, we have always appreciated the slower pace the Cariboo champions.

But a one-month running head start to get to the polling booths…? Or is it the case here for folks to “Vote early, vote often?”


W. Baird Blackstone

Sulphurous Lake

100 Mile House Free Press