Paris: Christmas present for planet Earth

Governments need to invest in clean energy production

To the editor:

China was a world leader in Paris, and is already installing wind and solar at a dizzying rate.

Its current wind and solar goal, which it will likely meet or exceed over the next five years, is the equivalent of adding the output of 100 Site C dams per year, but without destroying any pristine river valleys.

The state of South Australia will meet and exceed its 50 per cent renewable energy target in 2016, a full decade ahead of schedule. The state will close its last coal power station this March, and aims to get as close as possible to 100 per cent renewable within 20 years, mostly with sun and wind.

Bill Gates has pledged $2 billion of his Microsoft fortune to “bend the curve” on climate change. He joins more than 20 other billionaires who are pledging private-sector funds to boost clean energy deployment around the world.

The International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that present fossil fuel subsidies to be $500 billion per year.

Instead of paying people to pollute, we should be investing in clean energy that will power the economy of the future. The IEA calculates that $1 trillion per year invested in clean energy will avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

Critics say that Paris is just an agreement, and one without real teeth. If countries don’t live up to their promises, there are no real consequences.

Personally, I don’t think that matters any more. Now, it’s clear that those who drag their feet will be the real losers, both economically and politically.

That’s the difference this time: the world has woken up to reality. Now action is required.

Laurie Embree

108 Mile Ranch


100 Mile House Free Press