Park rates should be fair

Province provides two per cent bonus for mobile home park owners

Mobile/manufactured home owners renting space in B.C. parks expect to pay park rents which are fair to them and to the park owners.

Provincial rent controls are in place to ensure fairness in rent increases to 1) match inflation; and 2) to allow park owners to pass on to tenants: increases in utilities, property taxes and infrastructure repairs, etc. The present B.C. government has, in addition, allowed park owners a third annual increase — a two per cent bonus. This is in addition to inflation increases and any other cost increases which owners can also claim. The two per cent annual gift to owners does not have to be applied to any park expenses or operating costs.

For a park owner with 100 units, each paying $500 in monthly rent, this two per cent bonus provides $12,000 in extra annual income.

For tenants renting space in B.C. parks, this two per cent bonus to park owners will increase their annual rent by an additional $1,000 within seven years — assuming a starting rent of $500 per month.

The upcoming provincial election will provide those of us renting a space in a B.C. mobile/manufactured home park with an opportunity to ask our candidates for a commitment to have this two per cent bonus eliminated.

John McLeod


Okanagan Falls



Penticton Western News