Park shelters

Park shelters

Recently, Vernon council amended its bylaws to allow homeless people to temporarily camp in certain parks, including Polson Park, when they can't get into a shelter.

Recently, Vernon council amended its bylaws to allow homeless people to temporarily camp in certain parks, including Polson Park, when they can’t get into a shelter.

However, their tents must be removed between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.

Council is now proposing to weaken that bylaw and allow camping in parks at an earlier time.

As we are well aware, camping in parks comes with a multitude of other issues – drug paraphernalia, human waste, and garbage left behind.

So many people of Vernon were thrilled with the bylaw that prohibited permanent camping in parks, as our parks were starting to feel unsafe and littered with garbage.

It is important that the parks are safe and accessible for all users.

It is essential that city staff take a proactive and responsive approach to manage the safety of all park visitors.

Our parks are not designed for camping.

There are many social services that offer food, services, and shelter to the less fortunate.

Many times there are beds available, but many people do not want to use those shelter spaces.

The families and citizens and tax payers of Vernon want their city and parks back.

Please do not make laws for a small percentage of transient people, many of those who refuse services.

Contact the city council and voice your support for the current bylaw of tents being removed from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. to stand.

Ask them to not weaken that bylaw by allowing camping at an earlier time.

J. Gunion


Vernon Morning Star