Park smokers ruined picnic meal

Letter writer wants District to enforce its bylaw against smoking at beaches and picnic areas at Whonnock Lake.

Editor, The News:

Can the District of Maple Ridge provide some signage and enforcement of its bylaw against smoking at beaches and picnic areas at Whonnock Lake?  My family went there Sunday night for a picnic and not long after we sat down we found ourselves directly downwind from two smokers at another picnic table.  We packed up to move to another picnic table but found that one littered with cigarette butts and packs.  We went for a swim.  I noticed the sand had a number of cigarette butts.  Such nice sand for the little kids to build sandcastles with.  Before we left we stopped at the playground around which there were a couple of families with hookah pipes.  Let’s raise the bar a little and make our parks and picnic areas clean and enjoyable for everyone to use by adhering to the bylaw.

Michael Patterson

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News