Parking lot to be used


Re: Lots of ways to spend our money, Feb. 4 letters.

Thank you for bringing this “perception” to my attention.

What may look like a waste to the writer is in fact an early step to facilitate future expansion of Peace Arch Hospital, specifically the expansion of the emergency department. I believe this is exciting news for the entire community.

It’s important to understand that the parking lot in question does not belong to Fraser Health, as stated in the letter. It belongs to the Peace Arch Hospital and Community Health Foundation, an independent, board-governed organization that works in partnership with Fraser Health.

Over the years, the foundation has purchased property close to the hospital, thinking that as the community grows the hospital will need to grow too. Purchasing land in close proximity to the hospital is now proving to be a most valuable investment for the foundation.

The details of the hospital expansion are currently being mapped out in a master site plan for the Peace Arch Hospital campus. The plan, which engages a full spectrum of stakeholders, will be completed this spring/summer.

The master site plan will provide a clear planning and operational vision for expanding and improving health services at Peace Arch Hospital, including the expansion of emergency services, within the health authority’s region-wide network of services. Having cleared space across the street from the hospital will expedite the delivery of priority initiatives such as improved emergency services.

These are exciting and defining days. I look forward to sharing more, as information becomes available.

Jackie Smith, Peace Arch Hospital & Community Health Foundation

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The new hospital parking lot sits empty. The hospital workers use 16A Avenue – off 154 Street – as their personal parking lot.

They start lining up on both sides of 16A early in the morning and the afternoon shift repeats the process.

There is little regard for the residents or any visitors who seldom can find available parking.

It would be a welcome sight to see the hospital parking lot full and give our street back to the residents.

B. McMillan, Surrey

Peace Arch News