Parking tickets

This is the fourth ticket I have received in downtown Vernon over the years, just five minutes after the meter expired.

You guys are Quick Draw McBylaw. This is the fourth ticket I have received in downtown Vernon over the years, just five minutes after the meter expired.

And each time I did practice due diligence and plug the meter. You continue to give us the lip service about how you want to attract customers to the downtown area but your actions are ineffective.

One thing is a no-brainer – hassle-free parking.

On the day of my infraction, I chose to have a business meeting at a coffee shop, followed by some shopping to support our downtown.

The coffee ended up costing me $13 and I was so choked by the five-minute grace period given by the bylaw officer that I drove off to the north end to get what I needed.

And, coincidentally, this come just days after I read an article in The Morning Star about how city hall is considering easing off on parking violations.

Most people will not take the time to write a letter like this because they believe it falls on deaf ears, and most often it does.

But it is time for the city to stop kidding itself about this issue because thousands of people feel the same way as I do.

Do you really want to attract people to the downtown area?  Well, there are constructive solutions. I for one have had many good and creative ideas rolling around in my head for years.

It’s time city council had some fresh and new ideas injected into some positive brain-compounding sessions.

I hereby offer my services for the same and suggest that the city consider inviting other like-minded business people for their ideas and input. Spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to widen sidewalks, doubling the price of parking meters and fines, hiring more bylaw enforcement officers and well-meaning lip service will not work.

Todd Perusini



Vernon Morning Star