Parks and recreation helps build community

Parks and recreation enhances people's quality of life

Stronger families, better health and improved quality of life are among the key ways that parks, recreation and culture services build a better Campbell River.

Did you know? The Leisure Information Network based out of Toronto confirms:

Recreation promotes balanced human development. As children and youth play and participate in sports, they learn to build social, motor and creativity skills while developing intellectual concepts and capacities.

Recreation enhances life satisfaction. Recreational pursuits help build self-esteem and positive self-image, which improve our sense of satisfaction with life, as well as our family and community experience. Recreation reduces self-destructive and anti-social behaviour.

Both youth and adults who are involved mentally and physically in the outside world are more likely to participate in community-building activity. Recreation builds connections among people. T

hrough safe developmental opportunities, recreation supports future engaged citizens and community leaders.

Arts and cultural activities also help build a better appreciation and understanding of diverse interests and perspectives. Recreation can improve work performance, increase productivity and promote a connection with the natural world. More information about the Leisure Information Network can be found online at

For information on Campbell River recreation programs, drop by the Sportsplex or Community Centre, or visit


Campbell River Mirror