Parksville geese not as bad as subdivisions

How silly to see Parksville city council kowtowing to the fear-mongering propaganda of the Guardians of Mid-island Estuaries Society.

How silly to see Parksville city council kowtowing to the fear-mongering propaganda of the Guardians of Mid-island Estuaries Society.

I suggest Parksville residents take a walk down to the Englishman River estuary and view first-hand this so-called devastation being caused by Canada geese.

It looks to me like nature is looking after it just fine and wildlife seems to be coping with this “devastation.”

Then take a drive around Parksville and look at the recent subdivisions popping up where every bit of natural vegetation was bulldozed away to make way for new roads and homes. It’s not likely that those areas will resort back to their natural state, is it? Talk about hypocrites.

Of course had egg addling been done efficiently in past years, which it obviously was not, there would not be as many Canada geese around now.

Tony MarkleParksville

Parksville Qualicum Beach News