Parksville water pipe route unfair

When we purchased on Trill Drive we accepted the train traffic in exchange for the park-like atmosphere of clean air, trees and wildlife.

When we purchased our lot on Trill Drive in February of 2005, we accepted the minimal train traffic in exchange for the park-like atmosphere of quiet clean air, trees, birds and other wildlife.

The following year, imagine our surprise when we applied for our building permit to find out that the setback of the house was mandated at 7.5 metres, leaving us with very small backyards.

We were issued a letter from the City of Parksville, signed by the current director of operations: “It has been observed and placed on record that the majority of surface and sub-surface drainage systems have been damaged or removed by builders/lot owners…”

It also stated that “the City of Parksville will not accept any responsibility of flooding of these lots” and “strongly encourage that the lot grading and drainage systems be reinstated.”

Really? These drainage systems (catch basins) in question were placed near or under the footprint of our homes because of this setback. We complied at great expense by building a retaining wall and the contractor installed six-foot pipe for engineered drainage. The catch basins were moved to a workable location and these pipes were reattached to the city drains still in place.

When trees were clearcut for the Evergreen development in 2006 and a culvert under the roadway was pointed directly at our properties causing more water problems, we sent a letter to the RDN, which replied that “there was no revenue source or funding to address these drainage issues.”

Back to the drawing board to install French drains and/or ditches and plant more trees nearer the tracks to absorb the excess run off.  Now we are being accused of encroaching for plantings. We replaced danger trees at our own expense with the written approval of the Island corridor.

How much more can we endure? Why would the city now tear out these trees and remove this extra drainage when there is an alternate route for the waterline available on the south side of the tracks?

Oh yes, we are told that there is an underground fibre optic cable on the south side which renders that option as cost prohibitive. These lines are traceable and are dug around all over the world. Why not Parksville?

Charlie and Joan McNuttParksville

Parksville Qualicum Beach News