Parnell: Best fishing for years in Wood Lake

Anglers have been pulling out some of the best sized kokanee in recent years from Wood Lake.

After a down season of fishing last year on Wood Lake things appear to be turning around for anglers who like to get out and go for some kokanee.

According to fishing guide Mat Hanson at Love 2 Fish Charters, anglers have been pulling out some of the best sized kokanee in recent years this season with the average around two pounds and the odd one even reaching close to four or five pounds.

“Last year the fishing was terrible on Wood Lake due to a die-off related to an algae bloom sucking all the oxygen out of the lake,” said Hanson, who added the cause of the algae bloom is still unknown, according to fisheries managers.

This year however is going much better.

“The fishing was slow in April and May but really picked up in late June and July,” said Hanson. “I have been having anywhere from a dozen to two dozen bites a morning.”

Hanson says despite last year’s die-off the size of the kokanee in the lake has been excellent.

“Obviously the low survival rate over the last two years means lower numbers of kokanee in the lake which means more feed for the ones that survived and thus the increase in size,” said Hanson, who ran his theory past fisheries biologists who agreed that could be the cause.

Hanson also reports the kokanee are healthy and robust and put up a great fight, especially if you are using light gear to better feel the fish.

Regardless of the theory, it’s good to hear a solid fishing report for what is one of the best kokanee fisheries anywhere in the province.


So welcome to my first ever column for the Lake Country Calendar.

I’m not new to the area, having written for the Kelowna Capital News since 2003, and I have written plenty about Lake Country over the years in the Kelowna paper.

I’ve also spent time on the aformentioned Wood Lake, both cruising around in friends’ boats and trolling in my aluminum.

I never thought much of kokanee fishing. That is until I hooked a couple on my fly rod. Like Hanson said, they are tremendous fighters and love to dive deep and go on great runs.

I’ve also spent my fair share of time in the Winfield Arena as a member of the over-35 Winfield men’s rec hockey league. That means I’ve been pretty close to the Winfield Horseshoe Club, where Andy Danyleyko spends his time throwing ringers. You can read more about Andy on page A1.

As your new reporter I’d like to welcome news tips, photos, feedback from what you read in the paper.

I will need your help to properly cover the Lake Country scene.

You can e-mail your tips to

Lake Country Calendar