Past decisions

We need to get over this Landing hangover, and get on with the business of the city

Former mayor Wayne McGrath and others might find it surprising to know that today’s council is not to be fettered by a previous council’s decision, never mind being bound in any fashion by a politically-motivated letter that was once sent to residents to make the city’s impending annexation of their area more palatable.

Will the former mayor also stand up for the letter he wrote, at the time of annexation, that stated Okanagan Landing residents would not have to pay to hook up to city sewer and water? I think not.

More than 19 years later, we need to get over this Landing hangover, and get on with the business of the city.

I fully appreciate the roles that volunteers play in all aspects of our community.

I therefore look forward to the city implementing a strategy that includes any and all willing volunteer firefighters working together with their paid counterparts to create a more effective and responsive approach to firefighting and emergencies, for all of Vernon’s neighbourhoods.

And if that costs a bit more, so be it.

I would happily pay more to ensure that our city can deliver the same level of emergency response to all residents of Vernon, not just those in proximity to the main hall.

Inge Friesen



Vernon Morning Star