Pat Bay boat ramp is needed

I feel that Pat Bay is a perfect place for launching boats and will be a lot safer than trying to land at Tulista Park on a windy day.

I was at a North Saanich council meeting April 13 and I left feeling positive energy.

Brian Dunic made a presentation to council asking for support for a boat launching ramp at Pat Bay. The boat launch ramp has been an issue for over 30 years, since the Institute of Ocean Sciences facility was built — at which time a boat launch ramp was promised. Yet since that time proposals have been made only to be shot down.

It is time. We need a ramp at Pat Bay. There are a lot of families that trailer their boats and access to launching is pathetically in short supply.

I feel that Pat Bay is a perfect place for launching boats and will be a lot safer than trying to land at Tulista Park on a windy day.

I think that boat traffic and airplane traffic can be easily divided with buoyed runways similar to the Inner harbor.

Denis Paquette, North Saanich

Peninsula News Review