Patient voice

Resident defends the use of marijuana for medical purposes

I would like to respond to the letter to the editor published in The Morning Star.

I am not the voice of all patients but I am the voice of one, and many others may or may not agree, that is everyone’s perogative. I ask that you open Google up and use it to search some items.

You mentioned that marijuana is bad for people’s health.

Please look up Rick Simpson Oil, Charlotte’s Web Cannabis, or medical benefits of cannabis and read what the research shows.

People could decide to do anything while driving to cause accidents, and do all the time. It should be easy to get (as it is medicine) and people choose to experiment with other drugs all the time, that decision is not based on the use of cannabis. You stated that marijuana kills brain cells. Please look up marijuana kills brain cells and read what it says. Science proves otherwise.

If you look closely you will find articles that show that marijuana kills cancer cells in the brain. But that’s not quite the same thing, is it?

You assume that cannabis sellers don’t care.

These days, there are extremely caring folks running professional cannabis dispensaries who specialize in the medicinal benefits of cannabis and its derivatives. They care very much for their patients. I will not touch on your personal reasons as those are your choices and not for me to judge or make for you.

All I ask is that you educate yourself before you assume the role of  the voice for the side against it.

Times change and attitudes will with a little shared knowledge, I am happy to share some with you.  And sorry but my canna-bread smells amazing.


S. O’Brien




Vernon Morning Star