Pay for parking with property tax increase

Dear editor,

Re: Delta proves hospital parking can be free (Letter to the Editor Aug. 2)

An alternative to pay parking at our new hospitals that is being considered by the Comox Strathcona Regional Hospital Board is a small property tax to cover the costs involved in running and maintaining a free parking facility. I understand that the proposed tax would be about $15 annually – about the cost of two days parking at St. Joe’s.

My family and I have been fortunate not to need the services of the local hospital on a regular basis – but I’m sure we have spent at least $15 a year for parking there for out-patient services and to visit friends.  Imagine the burden placed on those who need more regular hospital care for themselves or their loved ones.

An added benefit – with no pay parking at the hospital, maybe the Comox Valley Regional District will opt not to institute it at the Aquatic Centre and North Island College?

$15 a year seems a small price to pay – and I would much rather that some private parking company was not making a profit at the expense of people who are already dealing with illness or trauma to themselves or people they care about.

Let your municipal councillors and the Comox Strathcona Regional Hospital Board know that you don’t want pay parking at the new hospitals in Campbell River and Courtenay.

Kathie Woodley



Comox Valley Record