Pay what you owe

This letter is written for the individuals in Golden who think that it is OK to not pay for work done after it is finished.

To the editor:

This later is written for the individuals in Golden who think that it is OK to not pay for work done after it is finished, and when you had already agreed on the amount for the job that was done.

I, in good faith, went ahead and did the work, and I shouldn’t have to go back three or four times to find out what the problem is, and still not get paid!

I listen to excuses (I never had time to go to the bank, I have a propane bill to pay etc.).

I also have bills, gas and groceries, not to mention rent to pay. I don’t know how you can sleep at night knowing full well that you owe someone money.

I know in the future I will no longer do work for someone on a handshake and a promise. Those days are long gone.

Patrick Marion



Golden Star