Paying our share

BX resident responds to comments about taxation levels

I feel I must respond to J.A. Kitchen’s letter, “Not impressed,” and the writer’s misunderstanding of rural taxes and services.

I live in the BX and will be exercising my right to vote on the new arena because my taxes will help pay for it.

My taxes are undoubtedly less than my neighbours in Vernon but not because I don’t pay my share, but because I do not receive, nor expect, the same level of services.

In the BX, we don’t enjoy urban amenities such as sidewalks, street lights or sewer nor are our roads maintained to the same standards as the city.

These are not complaints. They are simple facts of rural life. We in the BX pay our share for the operation of the library, arenas, parks, the new athletic facility at the college and other regional services.

We also pay for our own fire protection.

I will be voting yes and if the new arena project is approved, I and other property owners in Areas B and C will contribute our full share.

Terry Donnelly



Vernon Morning Star