Peace on Earth

Peace on Earth, as our bombs drop on Iraq, but of course, we finished an adventure in Afghanistan, so to speak.

Peace on Earth, as our bombs drop on Iraq, but of course, we finished an adventure in Afghanistan, so to speak. Our Canadian government keeps the militaristic superiority going in another Third World Nation.

(Prime Minister) King (Stephen) Harper, on what dangerous path are you taking this nation? It is quite clear you enjoy these risky adventures with your buddies, the French, Americans, Brits, Australians, etc. Could you please tell us the monetary cost of these bombing monstrosities; your buddies are transparent and let their citizens know.

I am sure if we tally the enormous cost of these ludicrous wars, we could have better social programs in Canada, doctors, education, etc.

What happens to all of those who died to have a lasting peace on Earth?

J.C. LecordierQualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News