Pellet plant

Residents concerned facility will divert shavings away from farms

We are writing to pass on information about a negative repercussion that has already begun and will be of great detriment if the proposed pellet plant in Lavington becomes a reality.

Not many realize how livestock producers and other animal owners depend on wood shavings and sawdust as bedding to help keep animals warm, dry and, therefore, healthy.

Animal comfort is actually a mandated practice for cattle producers.

Years ago, wood shavings were available in this area from local mills for free as long as the receiving rancher or farmer paid the trucking costs.

It has since become a major expense added to the costs of raising animals but at least it was available.

If the plant goes ahead, the wood byproduct in the area has been claimed for pellet production. Local cattle producers have been informed of a future cut-off date for purchasing shavings and the pellet plant is already reducing the supply by stockpiling even before it has been confirmed to be built.

The only alternative for animal bedding is straw which is not produced in enough quantity locally to supply demand.

Trucking the straw from outside of the area (Alberta) would add another huge financial hut to farms and ranches.

This could be another last straw to cause the shutdown of more of our food producing businesses.

G. and D. Andrews


Vernon Morning Star