Penalize the government

Elections BC needs to enforce laws

As a citizen of British Columbia, I would like to know why elections B.C. does not enforce its own laws?

In my referendum voting package, it states:

Be aware, it is an offense under the Election Act and HST regulation to:

• vote more than once

• obtain a ballot in someone else’s name

• make a false or misleading declaration

• persuade or compel someone to vote, how to vote, or prevent others from voting

Penalties on conviction of an offense are punishable by a fine up to $20,000 and/or imprisonment not longer than two years.

Did not the Liberals spend up to $5 million trying to persuade people to vote for the HST?

And also making false statements on T.V. and also radio and newspapers.

My question is, “is the government over and above the laws of elections B.C., a non-partisan office of the legislature?”

Walden McKinney



Quesnel Cariboo Observer