PENINSULA LETTERS: Common sense prevails

I hope that common sense will prevail at the November elections and that Mr. Browne is defeated should he run

Councilor (Dunstan) Browne now believes there is no need for strategic plans, minimum lot sizes, or anything other than his own ‘common sense’ is necessary to determine what gets built where in North Saanich. No doubt that’s the ‘common sense’ that tells us all that the Earth is flat and that the Sun orbits the Earth.

All one has to do now is let property deteriorate until Mr. Browne deems it be an eyesore  and then build. Unbelievable. What is more unbelievable is that three other councilors agree with this approach to municipal planning.

I hope that common sense will prevail at the November elections and that Mr. Browne is defeated should he run.

Bert Slater

North Saanich



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