Pension reform an attack on Canadian elderly, poor

Dear editor,

Pension reform — a kick in the teeth for the poorest citizens of our country.

Dear editor,

Pension reform — a kick in the teeth for the poorest citizens of our country.

The Conservatives under Harper are thinking of making the old age pension not eligible to Canadians until they reach the age of 67. It is interesting that the boys in Ottawa are more than willing to go after the weakest group of Canadians.

A lot of elderly people really count on their meager old age pension to help keep them from the worst forms of poverty. Now a group of fat cats in Ottawa whose pensions are astronomical after two or three terms in office are going after the citizens who put them there.

Building warships — no problem. Buying jets for $30 billion plus —no problem. Taking care of the old — seems to be a big problem.

Shame on these bloated MPs, shame on our prime minister. Let us hope they come to their senses and protect the people who built this country.

Are they so self-serving that they do not realize the harm they are talking about doing or is it they just don’t care?

Mike Lazare,

Black Creek

Comox Valley Record