People are wired to believe in something bigger

In the Pastor’s Point column of Oct. 2, Phil Spencer puts forward the notion that there is an innate desire for the spiritual.

In the Pastor’s Point column of Oct. 2, Phil Spencer (St. Stephen’s United Church) puts forward the notion that there is an innate desire for the spiritual.

This is the way people are ‘wired’. Either through music, mainstream religions or a host of other ‘new-age’ type avenues, there is a need to believe in ‘something beyond ourselves’.

Even the humanist that believes in ‘man’ as being the measure of all things has a concept of the ideal ‘man.’

The Christian faith, although perceived, as ‘out of date’ by some folks in our community remains a viable way for people to connect with a historically based religion understood through the person of Jesus Christ.

The church as the ‘body of Christ’ are the believers and not the building remains the vital link to nurture spiritual growth.

Spiritual growth through connecting with believers is strengthened and supported by a welcoming church that is not perfect and judgmental but willing to grow spiritually themselves.

Chris LemphersQualicum Beach

Parksville Qualicum Beach News