People creating more problems than dogs

Re: City’s dog problem perpetuated by too many irresponsible owners, Letters, April 10.

To the Editor,

Re: City’s dog problem perpetuated by too many irresponsible owners, Letters, April 10.

Tom McCartney is unbelievable. The vast majority of dog owners are lazy and irresponsible? Really?

If that were the case, I would think we would hear of a lot more attacks by dogs on people and other dogs. How many have you heard about lately?

In Maffeo Sutton Park and around the seawall on any given day, there are sometimes hundreds of people with their dogs. Anyone been attacked and bitten by one of those dogs lately?

I walk daily from the Departure Bay ferry terminal through Maffeo Sutton Park and along to Pioneer Waterfront Plaza. The other day on my walk along the seawall I counted one mess left by a dog – and I stopped counting after I reached 150 pieces of human-left garbage. Cigarette butts and packages, coffee cups, paper.

So, who’s really ruining our parks and trails? Perhaps we should leash and maybe ban all people from our parks because it’s obvious (using the writer’s logic) that all people are pigs and polluters and should therefore be locked up in their homes all the time.

The mess that people leave behind ruins for me the enjoyment of my walk with my well-behaved and well-trained dogs.

Esther Holubowich


Nanaimo News Bulletin