People lack compassion for human beings

People lack compassion for human beings

Where is the righteous indignation and public march for each overdose victim?

People lack compassion for human beings

While I can understand that people feel horror at the abuse inflicted on a poor, defenceless puppy (Teddy) causing a miserable death, I cannot fathom for the life of me the complete absence of the same sympathies when it comes to the wretched demise of human beings in the clutches of death dealing cartels of drug pushers.

A puppy dies and there is justifiable outrage and public demonstrations with politicians present — front page.

A person suffers an equally tragic death from another form of abuse (drug pushers) and we rarely hear the name.

Where is the righteous indignation and public march for each overdose victim? Oh, sorry. You wanted that person to move along somewhere else away from neighbourhood, school, park, community. You want everyone to see the puppy who suffered but turn a blind eye to suffering of your fellow citizens.

Carolun Ronald


Cowichan Valley Citizen