People leaving messes that are tough to clean

Re: People creating more problems than dogs, Letters, April 14.

To the Editor,

Re: People creating more problems than dogs, Letters, April 14.

I agree that people cause more damage to our communities than dogs.

Being a dog owner, when walking my dog, I too see all the waste  and damage that is done.

It is disgusting the things one sees. Condoms, bags of garbage ripped open, half-eaten food, fast food wrappers, clothing, walls covered in graffiti, dirty diapers and cigarette butts.

At least after a good rain, dog waste is washed away and turns into fertilizer, but the waste thrown around by people just stays and stays and it seems no one picks up after these irresponsible people.

It’s not the dogs that cause our parks, beaches and streets to be dumping grounds. And have you ever seen a dog using a spray can?

It is not dogs that you see huddled around in little groups smoking and I don’t mean cigarettes.

I could go on, but I am sure the responsible people know the point I wish to make.

S. Kinloch


Nanaimo News Bulletin