People need to show up to oppose affordable housing function

Most of the money has gone to pay staff and contractors who write lengthy reports

People need to show up to oppose affordable housing function

People need to show up to oppose affordable housing function

Many ask, what is an AAP? It’s an alternative approval process to back up funding for a CVRD project with a special bylaw that is written for the AAP. The CVRD prefers AAPs over referendums. A referendum could be prepared in time for the Oct. 20 elections.

AAPs are tricky because it requires 10 per cent of eligible voters to gather petition signatures to defeat it. Unfortunately, not enough people are interested enough to petition on their own or to work with a group to gather signatures. So usually the AAP becomes law, and the bylaw gets approved to tax us for the CVRD project. Once approved, it’s almost impossible to repeal a bylaw.

Why is it important now? At the June 13 CVRD board meeting, those around the table will vote to approve an AAP for Bylaw 4201, which starts the funding in an amount of $765,000 that will affect all taxpaying homeowners. Perhaps each year forever.

Who would be the recipient of Bylaw 4201? The Cowichan Housing Association which was formed in 2015 and who has received major funding mostly funneled from VIHA to Our Cowichan Community Health Network, through to Social Planning Cowichan, through to Cowichan Housing Association. CHA’s mandate is to provide housing options or housing assistance. Sounds good, doesn’t it? However, very little of the funding has actually gone to assist people wanting to be housed or to help them pay their rent. Most of the money has gone to pay staff and contractors who write lengthy reports which don’t seem to get implemented.

I would suggest checking out BC Housing at

BC Housing has programs to help with housing; and a new project starting in September 2018.

Please attend the Wednesday, June 13 CVRD board meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the 2nd floor of the CVRD offices on Ingram in Duncan. There is a period of time on the agenda at the beginning of the meeting for comments to be made. I’d encourage you to attend the meeting to speak — it’s a very short comment: state your name, and that you do not approve of this AAP and Bylaw 4201, step away and let the next person do the same.

Donna Einarsson

Cobble Hill

Cowichan Valley Citizen