People rely on the ferries

Your opinion that ferries should cut little-used runs on smaller routes is a slap in the face to those who live on the islands

Your opinion that ferries should cut little-used early morning and late-night runs on smaller routes is a slap in the face to those who live on the islands and require the ferries to get to work, their kids to activities and the businesses on Vancouver Island that depend on them for employees and customers.

On the islands, trades people make the early morning run to work, to deliver appliances, etc.

I am a former resident of Powell River, serviced by the ferry from Courtenay/Comox and Texada Island. Powell River and Texada have businesses like paper mills, hospitals, quarries and agriculture. Islands are not just filled with people who chose to live there for some frivolous reason. In Powell River we relied on the ferry to bring in doctors, nurses and pharmacists.

We relied on the ferry to get our patients to treatment and tests on the island.

Each island has its own economy and special needs. You are talking about communities that have existed for hundreds of years as if they are a bunch of vacationers.

Your editorial shows a lack of understanding of the people who rely on the ferries.

Judith Sears



Victoria News