People who help people make our town better

Each of us has a hidden talent. What is yours? What do you have to share?

Editor, The Times:

Clearwater Farmers’ Market will soon be closed for the season. You’ll all be missed, and members of local Elks Club #499 are already waiting for next year. You make an important part of our community. You made us appreciate those Saturday morning breakfasts and visits with our friends new and old. The Elks will pack away everything and will continue on with their other activities.

Let’s not hibernate. Oh, it is so tempting to do just that – crawl in a hole for the winter and just be a grumpy old bear. What do you have to share?

Each of us has a hidden talent. What is yours? Do you knit? Could you, would you teach someone else? Can you crochet? Share your talents. Do you like to read (real) books? There are people in this community who would like to have someone read to them. Do you like to walk? There is someone out there who likes to walk but doesn’t want to walk by his- or herself. Do you like to bake? Maybe make up a few extra cookies or a cake; even bread or muffins and share with someone who cannot manage to do that anymore. Do you can? Bet someone would like a jar of home canned pickles, jam, whatever. Do you drive? Maybe you know someone who doesn’t or can’t anymore, perhaps they like to go out shopping or lunch, or just a drive in the country, or to visit a friend.

We all have something we can do. None of us are experts, but we can share our abilities. Every organization in town is always looking for ‘new” members. Pick one, join one. People who help people make our town better.

Volunteer. A volunteer is one who offers services, joins forces, or groups of his/her own free will. You offer yourself and or your services. You do this without payment. You are supported by free will contributions (maybe/hopefully). Volunteering is usually a spontaneous giving of one’s self.

Jean Gross


Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times