Permanent liquor licence for RCMP not necessary

Police should apply for a licence for events like everyone else.

Re: “RCMP mess hall? Yes,” Frank Bucholtz column in the June 28 Leader.

I see no need for a continuous liquor licence open to serve drinks every day. We have establishments in the community for this and they serve those quite well who want to  meet with their friends and peers.

It appears the general attitude put forward these days by the RCMP is lacking in professionalism – more so than what should be in such an organization.

Yes, maybe there was a time when this establishment did not exhibit the questionable behaviour it does today, but unfortunately there appears to be a lowering of standards.

A liquor licence appears quite unnecessary, regardless of the pressure the job may bring. One would know this, I expect, before making this a career.

If there is a large event required for the group, why could they not apply like all the rest of the community to allow liquor to be present? But all day, every day, is not necessary.

Why should the community not be concerned? We have seen members from this group go into the community and cause problems and it has to be a concern.

Ron Howarth

Surrey Now Leader