Personal attacks disturbing

When discussing the issue of our school trustees, I feel a balanced perspective is needed. That is the reason for this letter

When discussing the issue of our school trustees, I feel a balanced perspective is needed. That is the reason for this letter.

Personally I can speak for one of these trustees, Bobbi Johnson. Many of you know the years of dedication this woman has given to our children but many don’t.

When I met Bobbi she was president of Shuswap School PAC. She had previously been president of her children’s elementary school PAC and later became president of SASH PAC. She was a tireless, fearless advocate for our children.

While president of SASH PAC Bobbi believed that our children needed a better high school and she along with others started down that path. After months if not years of going through the proper channels as requested by the province and not getting any closer to a new high school she became frustrated. She took it upon herself and went to Victoria when the cabinet was sitting. She had the audacity to park herself on the steps of the Parliament Buildings and wait for cabinet to convene. They didn’t stand a chance. Bobbi came home with a promise that the new high school would go ahead, and it did.

I know no one who has the ‘power of conviction” and “sheer determination” that Bobbi has and I’m very proud to know her.

I’m disturbed by the personal attacks against Bobbi and other trustees. Remember our children are watching how the adults are managing this situation and hopefully someday we will be able to say we made the best decision based upon unbiased information.

Bobbi would be uncomfortable if she knew I was writing this letter but this needed to be said. I hope this situation does not negate Bobbi’s years of dedication and hard work.

Sandi Latham


Salmon Arm Observer