Personal connections won it for Rankin team

Taking a page out of Barack Obama's book helped too

Re: Byelection better than expected (Column, Nov. 30)

“I hope the NDP learned a valuable lesson Monday night,” the writer stated.

As a “Rankin File” volunteer, I saw an unexpected lesson was learned as soon as the writ was dropped.

I saw a book on the phone bank manager’s desk called Get Out the Vote – How to Increase Voter Turnout, by Yale professors Donald P. Green and Alan S. Gerber. It was written to guide Barack Obama to the presidency twice. It says to win an election, forget about preoccupations with Facebook, flyers, robocalls, TV and radio ads, fancy websites and sign litter.

It says to win, treat voters as people. Get as many volunteers to knock on doors – and listen to people – as possible. That, and briefly messaging the candidate’s clear social and environmental justice history, is the core of victory. Nothing else.

The spirited, caring, always inclusive and tireless Murray Rankin got that lesson.

He and three talented and selfless youth organizers: Joanna Groves, Edward Pullman and Adam Friesen, led a dedicated team. They mobilized over a hundred volunteers onto the phone bank and doorsteps.

We listened to tens of thousands of residents. No magic. Just hard work and enthusiasm that only a candidate of genuine and special character can inspire.

Larry Wartel


Victoria News