Perspective is a wonderful teacher

Visiting and connecting with other natural places and spaces on this planet is indeed an honour

Visiting and connecting with other natural places and spaces on this planet is indeed an honour. Our time away also gives us a wonderful opportunity for refreshing our perspective on our own lives. My latest adventure took me through the islands of the Eastern Caribbean. For one week, my senses feasted on the turquoise blue waters of the ocean, the array of exotic flowers and the unlimited amount of palm trees, ferns, vines and bougainvillea’s blooming in every colour. As a traveling horticulturist, I sometimes find I yearn to know the names of every plant from this tropical canvas of colours and textures. As a nature lover, I am able to enjoy the experiences simply for what they are, and do not get too caught up in the need to put a label to everything. Most of the local people we met along the way were very friendly and helpful, yet there were others who were obviously tired of the tourism rat race. All in all it was a wonderful trip, but the day I rose the earliest was the day we drove west again on Highway 1. In true fashion, Calgary had a snow storm raging, and I squinted out the truck window to get a glimpse of the majestic mountains just beyond the turn-off to Kananaskis Country. As the mountains embraced us, I found myself sitting back in my seat and feeling extremely grateful and appreciative for the country and area we live in. Why is it we love to get away yet we also long to come home again? Whether we travel near or far, for a week, a month or a day, we begin to understand how special our own community really is. We remember how scenic and interactive our landscape is and how inspiring the seasons can be when spring arrives with its fresh, earthy scents followed by the warmth of summer, the harvest in the fall and the crisp white blanket of snow in winter. We know we live in an area that is incredibly rich in biodiversity with many ways to enjoy, conserve and protect our natural heritage. We have a wonderful opportunity to create special experiences and memories not only for ourselves but for the thousands of people who travel from around the world to visit our valley. Perspective is a wonderful teacher. As you move about this week, take a moment to connect with members of our community, tell someone how much you appreciate their friendship or service and be kind and patient with our visiting guests. Take some extra time on your daily walks to breathe in our fresh mountain air, feel the sunshine on your face and allow all of your senses to be fueled by the natural beauty of our own special place in the world.

Invermere Valley Echo